Organisation’s activity:

* Woman and gender equality * Woman and peacebuilding * Woman and non-violent society * Work with youth

Who we are:

We are a group of women- internally displaced people (IDPs) who come together to establish a women’s non-governmental organisation in Kutaisi, Western Georgia in October, 1997. Our group was created after the Georgian population had to flee Abkhazia as a result of the armed conflict in 1992-1993.

Our organisational mission:

Development of women’s activity through educational, legal, economic, social, cultural activities to increase women’s role in building a democratic society in Georgia, in the peaceful resolution of the conflict in Abkhazia, and achieving economic independence

Information meeting with NGO representatives

on . Posted in Meetings / Workshops


In Kutaisi, at the office of Fair Elections, an information exchange meeting was held at the Imereti NGO Forum within the framework of the fund “Sukhumi” project - “Studying the experience of Visegrad countries at local level for advocacy of equal, inclusive and democratic governance”.

Representative of the Fund "Sukhumi" acquainted colleagues with the goals and objectives of the project, with the implemented activities. Particular attention was paid to Czech experience in terms of civic engagement and gender marking. And also research, on the basis of which a strategy of local gender mainstreaming will be prepared. Research will focus on gender budgeting practices and challenges at the local level; institutional mechanisms of gender equality. It will create an interesting picture of the experience in the field of implementation of gender-sensitive policies.

In the opinion of the meeting participants, one feels a step back in terms of using on-site institutional mechanisms of gender equality. The reason was the fact that new people came to the local self-government as a result of the elections and there is a need for gender education, using the potential of qualified NGOs, close cooperation with the Council of Gender Equality of Parliament.

The project is implemented with the support of the Visegrad Fund